Monday, September 14, 2015

Do you ever have times when you feel so destructed that you just crave happiness? If yes, I feel you! Pretty well!
Although we, as different individuals, face different situations but we all have had those times when we just want to kick out the sadness and be happy! And to be honest we deserve that! All the sadness isn't worth more than the happiness anyway! But the basic thing that is to be understood is that happiness is an inside job, it has nothing to do with anybody else.
We we're born alone, we live alone as individuals and we die & leave the world alone. So why need anybody else? We just need to enjoy little moments of joy! We need to make the best out of every second of our lives!
Stop waiting for somebody else to complete your life or bring happiness in your life, you, yourself are capable enough to do that!
Go out, explore the world, click some pictures, laugh as much as you can and enjoy your life because you've only got one!

-Deeksha Kapoor